Saturday, July 13th
Don’t worry, we have childcare!
(ages 5 and under)
Every year we gather all of our small groups to spread out across Spokane Valley and North Idaho and participate in service projects. We all wear our red “SERVE” shirts and big smiles as we hit the streets, schools and almost anywhere in between to simply serve those around us. We get to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our city by giving to those in need. Outward focused and ready to work hard - Serve Day is going to be a blast!
Check out this recap video from Serve Day last year!
The day starts at 8:30am
with a rally where we pray altogether and gather our teams before heading out into the community.
Spokane Valley
Sun City Church - Valley
Post Falls
Kiwanis Park Post Falls
There are all kinds of projects
that take place both indoors and outside. Every year we are made aware of new needs that we can meet!
Include the whole family
and invite them to get excited about serving others. It’s a joy to help our next generation adopt a heart for other people and this is a great opportunity to make memories while doing that!
Look for divine appointments
throughout the day to slow down, hear someone’s story, share yours and pray for them. While our work is meaningful, we aim to build relationships with those we serve and help them in their journey with Jesus.
At the end of the day
plan to rest and recover from a job well done! Remember that we are partnering with what the Holy Spirit is already doing, so be receptive and ready for any promptings from Him! Pray that our impact goes deeper than we see and that people will come to Jesus as a result of our serving!
Spokane Valley
Sun City Church - Valley
Post Falls
Kiwanis Park Post Falls
*if you interested in getting baptized on serve day with the post falls team, register today!