Together, we can do more than any of us imagined
See how your giving is making a difference
One time a year we bring a special offering.
As individuals, couples, and families, we come together to bring a gift that will outlast us and leave a legacy for future generations. We can do more together than we can individually. This is our opportunity to make a huge impact here in Spokane and throughout the world.
This is what our upcoming Legacy Offering is all about: impacting the lives of people in Spokane, our nation, and throughout the world. Together, once a year, we will bring a special offering – one that requires sacrifice and one that builds a legacy for future generations. This offering will enable us to take a giant leap forward in fulfilling the big opportunities God has placed before us.
We are asking everyone who supports our church - everyone whose life has been blessed by God through our ministry to join us in this God-honoring dream. We are not asking you to invest in what we are already doing but in what we could do.
Rather than several small asks throughout the year, we dedicate one offering every December to meet these strategic needs.
As always, all we ask you to do is pray, and as God provides, do what’s in your heart.
Paul said, “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)
We are honored to join with you in this. Together we’re making a difference that will leave a legacy for generations to come.
You can give online here, by mailing a donation to 10920 E Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99206, or by giving in person at our 9:15 and 11 am services on December 4th, 2022.